Making Believe on Paper: Fiction Writing with Young Children
Making Believe on Paper presents primary-grade educators with the opportunity to learn from an extraordinary classroom teacher about how and why to invite and invest in make-believe. - Nancie Atwell Author of In the Middle Little kids delight in telling tall tales - of talking animals, princesses, or good triumphing over evil. Can you turn their enthusiasm for fiction into high-quality writing instruction? Absolutely, says Ted DeMille - and he has the classroom processes and student writing samples to back it up. In Making Believe on Paper, Ted shows what a magical and instructive first writing experience fiction can be for primary-aged children. Making Believe on Paper presents hands-on strategies and the tools you'll need to help young children create fully formed, beautifully illustrated, and powerful pieces of fiction. With Ted's help, you'll guide students from inspiration to finished pieces as you:
- develop children's knowledge of fiction's components through author study and read-alouds
- use drawing to shape students' ideas, then help them make the transition to writing
- encourage high-quality writing through mentor texts
- give kids a chance to put it all together by writing fairy tales.