Literacy Moves On: Popular Culture, New Technologies, and Critical Literacy in the Elementary Classroom
Grades K-6
Foreword by Anne Haas Dyson
When it comes to new and different literacies, children are ahead of the curve. Their daily engagement with popular culture and technology is changing the very nature of what it means to be literate and raising questions for teachers.
How are children shaped by these literacies and how do they shape the popular culture around them?
What's the best way to help young readers capitalize on their cultural and technological knowledge to make sense of the all the messages they take in?
Literacy Moves On tackles 21st century literacy, and demonstrates how you can bridge the gap between children's interests and your curriculum. With an emphasis on celebrating children's development of new and different literacies and their participation in the dynamic and rapidly changing world around them, Janet Evans and a group of internationally known literacy experts:
- examine and demystify some of the influences on contemporary literacy, including popular culture; new technologies; and critical literacy
- enhance your awareness of how these influences connect to the emergence of children's literacy abilities and the development of their critical literacy skills
- show, through special "Implications for Practice" sections, how you can link children's individual, out-of-school interests with the demands of your school's curriculum.
Popular culture and technology are second nature to kids–but not always to their teachers. Read Literacy Moves On and plug your established best-practice teaching into Digital-Age ideas of literacy development. You'll give students the skills they need to not only participate in their increasingly complex world, but to make personalized meaning in it.