Medical-Surgical Nursing - Single Volume - Text and Virtual Clinical Excursions Online Package: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care
About the Author\nDonna Ignatavicius is nationally recognized as an expert in nursing education and medical-surgical/gerontological nursing and has a wealth of experiences as a nurse educator, clinical nurse specialist, and administrator for over 40 years. Currently, she provides curriculum consultation and presentations for nursing faculty on topics such as concept-based curriculum, assessment of learning methods, and active learning strategies through her consulting company, DI Associates, Inc. Additionally, she is the primary author of numerous articles and books, including Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care, 10th ed. (2021) and her new student workbook, Developing Clinical Judgment for Professional Nursing and the Next-Generation NCLEX-RN® Examination. In 2007 she was inducted as a fellow into the prestigious Academy of Nursing Education (ANEF) for her national contribution to the field of nursing education. In 2016 she obtained her Certified Nurse Educator® (CNE) credential; in 2020 she obtained her Academic Clinical Nurse Educator (CNEcl) credential.