Safety and Security Review for the Process Industries: Application of HAZOP, PHA, What-IF and SVA Reviews
Dennis Nolan, drawing on decades of experience as a well-known safety author and senior loss prevention specialist at Saudi Aramco, provides the essential procedures and checklists in Safety and Security Review for the Process Industries. In addition to guiding the reader through the selection and execution of efficient and complete hazard analysis and safety reviews (such as HAZOP, PHA, What-If, SVA, LOPA, Bowtie), Nolan shares his personal experience and illustrates procedures with real-world examples.
Updated throughout to reflect changing practices, the fourth edition expands its scope to include maintenance, exploratory drilling, and governmental regulation updates. It adds best practice guidelines on CHAZOP reviews, expands on threats in the security vulnerability analysis, and includes more information on chemical process facilities and hydrocarbon/chemical plant safeguards.
Up-to-date form templates and “what-if checklists are also available for purchasers of the book to download, making this a complete safety review toolkit.