Criminal Justice Internships, Eighth Edition: Theory Into Practice
Criminal Justice Internships: Theory Into Practice guides the student, instructor, and internship site supervisor through the entire internship process, offering advice and information for use at the internship site as well as pre-planning and assessment activities. With more and more students engaging in internships as a means of enhancing their credentials, the internship has become a defining educational moment. Students learn basics such as choosing an internship site at either a public agency or a private firm, résumé writing techniques, effective use of social networks, interviewing skills, and the importance of setting and developing goals and assessing progress. It also serves as a reference tool for professors and supervisory personnel who assist and supervise the student during the experience.
- Addresses the needs of students, administrators, and criminal justice internship supervisors in one resource.
- Chapters end with practical exercises, such as: preparing for your internship; thinking about your internship placement; planning your internship; your role as an intern; political, economic, and legal factors at your site; assessing your internship.
- Covers online presence concerns to help students succeed in the age of social media, including protecting one's reputation and using LinkedIn effectively.
- Includes sample résumés and cover letters.
- Maintains an important focus on ethics in the workplace through all phases of the internship experience.
- Outstanding suite of ancillaries, including links to internship sites, Ethics-in-Practice Scenarios and Forms and Resources for students, and Instructor's Notes, Sample Syllabi, midterm questions, links to internship sites, and PowerPoint Lecture slides for instructors.