Mosby's Handbook of Diseases, 3rd Edition, provides an up-to-date profile of more than 250 adult and pediatric diseases and conditions―with 32 NEW to this edition. The handbook's user-friendly organization lists diseases and conditions alphabetically, from Abruptio Placentae to Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome.
- Alphabetical Organization of diseases and conditions makes information easy to locate.
- A to Z Color Tabs for each letter of the alphabet allow for quick reference in the clinical setting.
- Each disease and condition entry follows a consistent format to enable readers to find essential information quickly and with ease, and includes the following:
- Definition of the disease or condition
- Description of its etiology and incidence
- Gender and lifespan considerations
- Underlying pathophysiology
- Common clinical manifestations
- Complications associated with the disease or condition
- Frequently ordered diagnostic tests
- Therapeutic management includes indications for surgery, common medications, general therapeutic interventions, long-term management regarding prevention and promotion, family and patient education
- Drug highlights tables.
- Heavily Crossed-Referenced Content lists diseases and conditions by both their scientific as well as common name.
- No Specific Nursing Terminology is used in the content making the book more appealing to a broad market - all practicing nurses, nursing students, allied health personnel, as well as the general public.
- Diagnostic Test Results are listed for each disease to allow readers to know what results indicate the presence of a certain disease or condition.
- Therapeutic Management is explained and issues such as surgery and drugs are discussed.
- Risk Factors are included where appropriate to help readers find specific factors that may increase the risk for various diseases and conditions.
- Two-color design highlights important information and enhances visual appeal.
- 32 New Diseases and Conditions have been added providing the latest information.
- A new Emergent Icon highlights critical and emergent content, lists, and conditions to allow the reader to quickly identify as well as reference information that requires immediate attention or action.
- Critical and Emergent Content has been added as well as highlighted in color so the user will be able to easily distinguish as well as locate this crucial information
- Revised and New Sub-Headings for "Therapeutic Management" include Surgery, Medications, General, Prevention/Promotion (New!), and Education (New!).
- New drug information has been included under the Therapeutic Management sub-heading
- LGender and Lifespan Considerations are included to allow health care practitioners adapt their care for specific patient populations.