Mosby's Guide to Physical Examination: An Interprofessional Approach
Mosby's Guide to Physical Examination is a comprehensive textbook of physical examination, history-taking, and health assessment with a unique emphasis on differential diagnosis and variations across the lifespan. Written by a team of two physicians and two nurses with a special blend of expertise in adult health and pediatrics, the book conveys a uniquely compassionate, patient-centered approach to physical examination with a strong evidence-based foundation. A completely updated art and media program -- consisting of 260 new illustrations, with all new examination photos, full motion video exams on the companion CD-ROM, a completely new 15-part video series, and expanded Health Assessment Online asset library -- further solidify Seidel's reputation as the best-illustrated, most media rich, physical examination textbook on the market.
- Lifespan considerations are highlighted in clearly delineated subsections called Infants and Children, Adolescents, Pregnant Women, and Older Adults.
- Highlights key points of abnormal findings and medical diagnosis in Differential Diagnosis boxes.
- Risk Factors boxes equip examiners to focus on high-risk problems.
- Functional Assessment boxes help practitioners focus on the impact of diseases and disorders on patient function.
- Evidence-Based Practice in Physical Examination boxes support time-tested exam practices with current research
- Documentation content is featured throughout the book in Sample Documentation: History and Physical Examination boxes, and includes both subjective and objective sections.
- Summary of Examination boxes serve as a handy review, with page numbers, to help readers ensure that they have mastered the necessary examination steps.
- Mnemonics boxes highlight practical memory aids to essential physical characteristics.
- Physical Variations boxes highlight key differences in particular racial/ethnic/cultural groups.
- Clinical Pearls boxes help transmit the time-tested wisdom of the author team to new practitioners.
- New video-enhanced Companion CD-ROM packaged with each textbook. Unique icons throughout the text refer the user to the Companion CD-ROM where there are relevant video clips for that specific exam.
- Staying Well boxes provide helpful patient-teaching hints and can be used to encourage health promotion in patients.
- 200 new color photographs and 60 new full-color drawings demonstrate key exam steps
- Expanded SOAP content
- Expanded Domestic violence content
- Separate chapters on Pain and Sports Participation Evaluation, as well as a fresh emphasis on health promotion throughout with the inclusion of Staying Well boxes.
- A new Dietary Reference Intakes appendix