Virtual Clinical Excursions for Medical-Surgical Nursing
Introducing VIRTUAL CLINICAL EXCURSIONS a new breed of workbook that is now a critical component of several of Mosby and W.B. Saunders' most prominent nursing texts. This workbook contains an extraordinary new CD-ROM featuring a virtual hospital setting with five highly individual patients. Users can access and review their charts, lab data, and medication administration records, assess them, monitor daily changes when their nurses take their vital signs and perform a variety of tests, formulate nursing diagnoses, and plan interventions. Each workbook lesson has a reading assignment from Lewis, Heitkemper & Dirksen: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 5th Edition, as well as activities that involve observing and interacting with the patients in the virtual hospital. The result is a uniquely "hands-on" way to master essential nursing knowledge!
Workbook and CD-ROM