Informatics the study of the use of computer hardware, software, systematic languages, and data manipulation to collect and apply information is united with health care in this new interdisciplinary textbook. It focuses on topics in informatics relevant to all fields of health care, in a textbook format complete with chapter outlines, objectives, key terms, and discussion questions. A unique online supplement complements the book to offer complete, electronic support for both instructors and students. Written by experts in health care informatics, this text provides a comprehensive overview of all the major concepts in informatics, discussing trends and innovative strategies from a contemporary, mainstream perspective.
Features a unique, interdisciplinary approach to health care informatics, for a well-rounded foundation in working and communicating with many areas of health care
Written by an interdisciplinary team of health care professionals who are experts in their respective disciplines
Examines all roles and functions of health care - practice, research, education, and administration - in relation to informatics
Significant issues and trends in health care informatics are discussed, such as the new regulations regarding the privacy of medical records and related computer security regulations
A supplemental online component for instructors and students provides computer-based access to interactive exercises, PowerPoint slides, test questions, and other learning activities
Separate chapters address key topics in informatics, including major theories, clinical decision-making, communication approaches, and distributed education
A separate chapter explores the history of health care informatics for a background in why and how informatics has developed
Learning Objectives focus the readers' attention on essential information in the chapter
A Chapter Outline highlights the main chapter concepts, and a Conclusion summarizes key points
Key Terms, listed at the beginning of each chapter and bolded throughout, reinforce important terminology
Discussion Questions at the end of each chapter challenge readers' critical thinking skills
A Glossary includes definitions for each Key Term, for easy access to definitions of important terms
An attractive two-color design emphasizes key features and creates an inviting, accessible text.