MOSBY'S EMERGENCY NURSING REFERENCE provides busy emergency nurses and student nurses with a comprehensive, easy-to-use emergency resource. Organized into three units, the first unit includes a reference guide with the 27 most frequently used "tools of the trade," such as quick-reference tables,algorithms, formulas, and assessment guidelines. The second unit covers need-to-know information on the 21 most common clinical conditions. The third unit includes the 32 most common procedures performed in the emergency department in a convenient, step-by-step format.
Presents clinical conditions in alphabetical order to facilitate quick retrieval ofinformation in a busy ED setting.
Provides step-by-step guidelines for the most frequently performed emergencyprocedures.
Describes measurable expected patient outcomes.Organizes triage information around symptom clustering and red flags to help
prioritize care.Alerts readers to crucial must do or must know information with
Nursing Alertboxes.Features, such as a flexible binding, portable handbook size, and thumb tabs make
information easily and quickly accessible.
( = UNIQUE FEATURE) Provides a nuts-and-bolts guide to blood-product administration for adult and pediatric
patients. Outlines and explains transfusion reactions.
Describes the effect of different types of fluids used in resuscitation. Includes formulas used in fluid administration.
Provides the most up-to-date information about oxygen delivery devices. Presents information on how to help a Spanish-speaking child identify his/her level of
pain. Includes the pediatric coma scale.
Features the pediatric trauma score which is used to help evaluate the severity of injury. Provides information about domestic violence in the
Mental Health Conditions chapter.
Includes a section on the role of the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and thelatest findings on sexual assault.
Presents additional information on mammalian bites and anaphylactic shock. Highlights major points of care for quick reference with bold or italicized text.
Presents pediatric and adult content separately in the reference section of the book forfast and easy access.
Includes stroke and hypothermia algorithms. Covers the latest information on conscious sedation according to JCAHO standards,
including a table on deep sedation. Features several new and updated tables which include the following information:
conversion of Centigrade and Fahrenheit, updated normal lab values, updated medicationtables, etc.
Spanish version of 1st edition also available, ISBN: 84-8174-319-4