Mosby's Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage
The Second Edition of Mosby's FUNDAMENTALS OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE, now in four-color, covers all of the fundamentals of therapeutic massage and teaches the reader how to skillfully apply massage techniques. It provides information on sanitation, hygiene, body mechanics, business practices, ethics, massage equipment and supplies, draping procedures, various massage environments, wellness and much more. A new, interactive format integrates workbook sections at the end of each chapter.
* Covers all the fundamentals of therapeutic massage, including specific massage techniques, equipment and supplies, wellness, working with special populations, business considerations, and much more. * Includes over 500 high quality illustrations and photos, most of them in full color, which enhances the topics presented and helps reader with technical application. * Includes many case studies to bring topics to life for the reader and apply topics to everyday practice. * Contains several helpful appendices, including Contraindications to Massage, Skin Pathology, Common Medications and Possible Implications for Massage, Resource List, and Suggestions for Self-Massage. * Contains a comprehensive glossary at the end of the book, which provides the reader with definitions for terms that may be unfamiliar to them. * Features an available instructor's manual with transparency masters, chapter outlines, test questions, and much more. * Contains key terms, chapter objectives and chapter outlines in each chapter. * Written by a massage therapist, who is also an instructor, to bring readers the most relevant and up-to-date information and techniques.