Anatomy & Physiology (With Students Survival Guide and CD-ROM)
This introductory text presents a large, complex body of scientific knowledge in an easily understood conversational writing style, focusing on concepts rather than just descriptions to help students unify information. By using "big picture" and "cycle of life" themes throughout, the student learns the interrelation of body systems and the body's change in relation to age and development. Includes hundreds of full-color illustrations, a FREE Student Survival Guide to Anatomy & Physiology and a FREE Panorama of Anatomy and Physiology CD-ROM to help make learning more exciting and interactive for students.TOC:
* Written in an easily understood conversational style to facilitate learning. * Uses an inviting full-color design that makes the information more accessible, including more than 1400 full-color photos and illustrations to enhance explanations of difficult concepts. * Highlights key illustrations and photographs with a unique key-shaped symbol. * Includes case studies to challenge students with "real-life" clinical situations. * Includes a variety of specialty boxes and tables to explain the practical applications of the principles of anatomy and physiology. * Reinforces learning by prompting students to review with Quick Check questions after major sections within the chapters. * Provides chapter outlines and key term lists at the beginning of each chapter to give students a short overview of subject content. * Detailed chapter summaries outline essential information to help student organize their study. * Content review questions help students determine how well they have mastered the important concepts. * Critical thinking questions actively engage students and challenge their reasoning skills.
(Includes a FREE CD-ROM, Student Survival Guide and MERLIN website at:
Spanish version also available, ISBN: 8481744492