Get Ready for A&p (Text Component)
Available as a book and website, this resource saves classroom time and frustration by helping students quickly prepare for their A&P course. The hands-on workbook quickly gets students up to speed with basic study skills, math skills, anatomical terminology, basic chemistry, cell biology, and other basics of the human body. Each chapter includes a pre-test, guided explanation, interactive quizzes and exercises, and end-of-chapter cumulative tests. The new Third Edition includes enhanced study tools and assessments in MasteringA&P and 10 new Video Tutors that feature Lori Garrett walking students through key basic concepts in chemistry and cell biology. For each chapter, MasteringA&P provides a Pre-test that gives students instant feedback; a Chapter Guide that directs students to tutorials, animations, activities, and web links; access to Pearson eText; and a Post-test with a Study Plan. Get Ready for A&P can be packaged with any Pears