Get Ready for A&P (Text Component)
Key Benefit: Available as a workbook and website, this resource saves classroom time and frustration by helping readers quickly prepare for their A&P course, and can be packaged with any Pearson Benjamin Cummings A&P book for no additional charge. The hands-on workbook gets readers up to speed with basic study skills, math skills, anatomical terminology, basic chemistry, cell biology, and other basics of the human body. Each topic area includes a pre-test, guided explanation, interactive quizzes and exercises, and end-of-chapter cumulative tests. For each chapter, the Companion Website provides a Pre-Test that gives readers instant feedback; a Chapter Guide that directs readers to tutorials, animations, activities, and web links; access to myeBook; and a Post-Test with a Study Plan. The Second Edition features new key content and online activities as well as expanded online assessment that makes it easier than ever for readers to master the material and for instructors to assess reader progress. Key Topics: Study Skills, Basic Math Review, Terminology, Body Basics, Chemistry, Cell Biology Market: Inteded for readers interested in gaining a basic knowledge of the Essentials of anatomy & physiology