Macromedia Flash MX Creative Web Animation and Interactivity
Best-selling author Derek Franklin is back, with his fully updated and expanded Macromedia Flash MX Creative Web Animation and Interactivity, one of the best-selling guides to Macromedia Flash on the market. This book will provide you with the skills and inspiration you need to make creative use of Macromedia Flash MX to produce your own visual and interactive masterpieces. Whether you're a beginning Flash user or an advanced-intermediate user, Macromedia Flash MX Creative Web Animation and Interactivity provides you with a thorough reference to Flash MX's features, as well as step-by-step video, text-based tutorials, and hands-on exercises that will teach you to use Flash in the real world. Within its pages, you'll find everything you need to master Macromedia Flash MX, from basic drawing to complex interactivity.