Mrs. Coverlet's Magicians
Once again Mrs. Coverlet is obliged to forsake her beloved Persevers -- this time for a most happy reason. Her recipe for Chocolate Stale Bread Delight gives her a first-round victory in a baking contest, and she has to go to New York to compete in the final Bake-Off. Malcolm and Molly and Toad Persever are not to be left alone again. Miss Eva Penalty will move right in with them. This plan, approved from necessity by Malcolm and Molly, is too much for Toad, who loathes the sticky spinster. Packing all six of his cats in a pillowcase, he leaves home. but Malcolm and Molly foil his run-away attempt, so he has to take, as he says, "other steps." Toad knows the time has come for him to resort to something he has saved fro just such an emergency -- his Do-It-Yourself Book of Practical Witchcraft. The manual includes, among many interesting chapters, one entitled "Hexes and Evil Eyes," and another called "How to Make Your Enemies Powerless." The results he obtains are really astounding.