Constitutional Law: Cases, Comments, Questions (American Casebook Series)
In five years since the seventh edition of this book was published, a number of significant decisions have been handed down and a wealth of scholarly commentary has been generated. Accordingly, this new edition represents a complete revision and a fresh reevaluation, for purposes of re-editing and re-organizing, of all existing materials. It also constitutes the product of an extensive examination of the recent literature - in an effort to further enrich the notes, comments and questions. In addition to full updating, restructuring has been undertaken where called for by recent developments.
The most significant revisions appear in Chapter 3 (Separation of Powers). Chapter 4 (State Power to Regulate), Chapter 13 (Limitations on Judicial Review), and parts of Chapter 10 (Equal Protection) dealing with Affirmative Action (Sec. 2, VI), Discriminations Based on Gender (Sec. 3), and Special Scrutiny for Other Classifications (Sec. 4).