Law of Property With Supplement (HORNBOOK SERIES STUDENT EDITION)
This handbook is designed for law students and lawyers. All of the subjects covered are likely to be presented in first year courses in property. Private property is the right of a person or persons to use a thing and to exclude others from interfering for a time long enough to extract from the thing the benefits it is capable of affording. Property law is old. Parts of it have been resistant to change and yet, many areas of Property Law are undergoing current and rapid change. This book is about the details that particularly mark the American law of property. The principles of property law are our oldest body of law. This book surveys the chief areas of property law: history and basic concepts; estates in land, present, future and concurrent; comparable interests in personalty; landlord tenant law; rights against neighbors and other third persons; easements and profits; running covenants; governmental controls on land use; land contracts; conveyances; titles; and, recording systems.