Cases and Materials on Legislation, Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th, Doc Supp (American Casebook Series)
This is the first legislation casebook supplement that provides detailed legislative history and administrative materials to complement the cases and problems in the main text. At the option of the instructor, students can read the original materials that were central to statutory enactment and are debated in leading federal court decisions ; the Affirmative Action cases (Weber, Johnson, and Ricci), the Christian Nation case (Holy Trinity), the Expert Fees cases (West Virginia Hospitals v. Casey and Blanchard v. Bergeron), the Spotted Owl case (Sweet Home), the Carries a Gun case (Muscarello), the Bankrupt Family Farm case (Sinclair), and others. In each instance, the statute-specific materials include an overview of the enactment process and a set of questions that can guide student inquiry and help frame classroom discussions