Corporations and Other Business Enterprises (American Casebook Series)
Corporations and Other Business Enterprises: Cases and Materials focuses on the law of corporations, with ample coverage of unincorporated forms of doing business as well as basic agency principles. (This is the ABRIDEGED edition of the casebook). The casebook is designed for use in a variety of corporations and business organizations courses. The unabridged edition contains material that makes it suitable for use in advanced courses as well. Corporations courses vary from school to school and the book is organized in such a way to make it easy for instructors to "pick and choose" topics to be covered. There is ample material on unincorporated forms of doing business, considerable coverage of federal securities law issues traditionally taught in basic corporations classes, and specialized treatment of closely held corporations. Coverage also includes the role of corporate lawyers, comprehensive treatment of mergers and acquisitions, and an introduction to corporate finance. The casebook includes numerous references to the Model Business Corporation Act and the Delaware corporate law.