The College Football Bibliography (Bibliographies and Indexes on Sports History)
With more than 12,000 entries, this is the most comprehensive bibliography yet published on the literature of college football. Organized into five major sections, the work covers American-style football from 1869 through January 1993. Among the types of materials represented are books and monographs, documents, team yearbooks, media guides, bowl game magazines, annuals, dissertations and theses, and periodical and journal articles. Within the text, each section and many subsections begin with brief introductions and conclude with notes designed to guide the user to related references in other parts of the volume. Entries are numbered, and separate author and subject indexes keyed to those numbers provide additional access points.
Smith provides annotations for many entries either as title enhancement or clarification. As a reference tool, it will enable the user to determine quickly much of what is available and help to establish a basis for further research. This bibliography will be invaluable for sports historians, indeed, all who follow the game, its development, and its players.