Maximizing the Arthritis Cure: A Step-By-Step Program to Faster, Stronger Healing During Any Stage of the Cure
You've found the cure-- now maximize it!
By now you already know about the amazing benefits of The Arthritis Cure-- the new approach in the battle against arthritis that has swept the nation. Now take this powerful program one step further-- maximize it! Incorporate the revolutionary ideas of The Arthritis Cure into your life-- for the rest of your life-- to stay healthy and pain-free for good.
Maximizing the Arthritis Cure introduces you to:
* Exciting new research on supplements that may help speed up the cure for osteoarthritis sufferers and may also help people with rheumatoid arthritis
* Tailored menu plans to complement the supplements glucosamine and chondroitin, while boosting important arthritis-fighting antioxidants in the bloodstream
* Specialized strength-training and aerobic exercises for your arthritis "hot" spots, plus simple exercises to improve your body's biomechanics and prevent future joint problems
* The new arthritis remedies-- what works, what doesn't
* And much, much more!
Step up the treatment, speed up the cure, and stop suffering now!