In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart: Hope for the Hurting
'If in these pages you see your own life's experience mirrored in our daughter's, may you, too, find a personal relationship with the same heavenly Father who continues to be her strength, comfort, and joy.' ---From the foreword by Billy Graham When life's rosy dreams dissolve into thorny realities that pierce our hearts, that's when God shows that he specializes in restoration. In this frank, deeply reflective audio book, Ruth Graham, daughter of Billy Graham, lays open the agonizing struggles of a far-from-perfect life---and in so doing, she reveals the perfections of a God who deeply loves hurting, fallible people. In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart searches the Scriptures for help, hope, and guidance to deal with life's blows and our own failures. It reveals that no matter where we are in our journey, God has a use for us and will never turn us away. It also shows how we can offer practical, loving support to the broken hearts that sit in pews all around us every Sunday.