Confident Parents, Exceptional Teens
The massacre on April 20, 1999, in Littleton, CO, was more than a national tragedy. It was a wakeup call too loud to be ignored. What can you do as a parent to preserve your teen from the forces that found their ultimate expression in the gunfire at Columbine High School? Confident Parents, Exceptional Teens looks at the problem and the solution. From two pastors caught in the backdraft of Columbine comes an honest, hopeful, and biblical guide to bringing your children and yourself safely through the stormy teenage years. Ted Haggard and John Bolin give you an in-depth look at the five-step spiral of negativity that seeks to pull your teens into its vortex and offer straightforward interventions you can take to stop it. They help you vault over the communication wall between parents and teenagers. They reveal the importance of purpose and how to instill it in your kids. And they help you guild the foundation of insight and faith you need to parent with confidence. In this age of troubled teens and teens in trouble, this book is a must. Put it in your library, hide it in your heart, and apply it to your family to raise your teenagers into well-balanced, godly adults.