The G.I. Diet Menopause Clinic
From Canada’s own bestselling G.I. Diet author comes the latest real-life 13-week clinic featuring women in their menopausal and post menopausal years.
After the success of his first e-clinic, where he recruited volunteers with a body mass index of 33 or over to participate in his diet program, Rick identfied a group he felt needed a clinic tailored to their own needs: women in menopause. These women face their very own special challenges when they try to lose weight. The G.I. Diet Menopause Clinic has all the hallmarks of the G.I. Diet – tips and tricks, weekly meal plans, real-life advice, and support and encouragement from the experiences and inspiring stories from the women who walked the walk in the e-clinic. Gallop will be your personal coach, holding your hand, every step of the way as you battle to conquer that universal problem: the dreaded middle-aged spread.