The 2000 Presidential Campaign: A Communication Perspective
Denton and his colleagues analyze the American 2000 presidential campaign with a special focus on political communication.|What led up to the great debacle of the American 2000 presidential election? Denton and his colleagues analyze the presidential campaign with a special focus on key topics and elements of political communication. Their analyses go beyond the quantitative facts, electoral counts, and poll results, inspecting the nuts and bolts of what became in one of the most controversial elections in American history.||Each chapter focuses on a specific area of political campaign communication, including:^L^Dblthe early campaign period^Dblthe nomination process and conventions^Dblcandidate strategies^Dblpresidential debates^Dblpolitical advertising^Dblthe use of the Internet^Dblnews coverage^Dblpolitical cartoons of the campaign^Lthis definitive resource is ideal for scholars, students, the general public, and other researchers interested in political communication, American elections, presidential studies, political sociology, and journalism.