St. Athanasius on the Incarnation (The Treastise De Incarnatione Verbi Dei)
Translator, in the opinion of many kind friends, by the publication of an edition of the Greek text in 1882. The translation, originally made for a class attending lectures 1879-1882 on the I ncarnation, has now been carefully re-written. It is offered to the public under a strong sense of serious imperfections, but still in the hope that it may prove a fairly accurate reproduction of the sense of the original. It aims primarily at helping the theological student who is working at the Greek text; but it may also prove welcome, it is hoped, to those who wish to read the work without having recourse to the Greek. To the latter class some apology is due for what is felt to be an awkward and not always very readable style. The writer has preferred to adhere as closely as possible even to the redundancies and harsh turns of the text, to producing a smoother result at the cost of literal fidelity.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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