Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch
This book has been written by an experienced Freemason for the rank and file member of the ordinary lodge, particularly for the keen young Craftsman. It gives authentic information on a wide range of masonic matters, elucidating the chief facts of masonic history, tradition and lore. Its scope is far greater than that of any comparable work. His scope is remarkable . . . There is probably none of his brothers in the craft, no matter how learned, who will not gain advantage from this book, and to those young in masonry it will be Of inestimable value. Truth No book can claim more fully to justify its title. Freemasons Chronicle There is scarcely a question that can arise in the Freemason s mind in connexion with Freemasonry, about which this excellent guide and compendium cannot give him some enlightenment. The Speculative Mason