The Encyclopedia of Animation Techniques
"Whether you're planning to rig up a camera in a back room or you're already working in a production studio, if you're eager to expand your knowledge, this book will guide you through the key techniques of animation you will need to get ahead. This is a lavishly illustrated, step-by-step guide to drawn, model and computer generated animation that will prove inspirational to a wide audience. It offers professional guidance on all aspects of animation - from conceptualisation and script treatments to cut-out animation and puppet-making. Winner of the 1997 Kraszna-Krausz Book Awards Prize for the best book on the Moving Image. The Judges called it ""a masterpiece of professional guidance. It employs all the visual techniques of its subject matter to excite as well as to educate. With superb clarity of presentation, it cannot fail to inspire as well as inform animators of the future."" "