Love Flew Down in Song
"Love Flew Down in Song" is a collection of songs written by me, with testimonies, scriptures and quotes to highlight each song and explain why I feel they were sent to me over my lifetime. Although I truly believe they were heaven-sent, I do not believe they were meant to be exclusively for me. The songs have strengthened my faith, inspired me, and raised my hopes for a better tomorrow for each of us. They continue to do so today, even though life is never perfect and I still go through many trials. I continually look back on these important messages from our Heavenly Father for strength, wisdom and guidance.
If I was granted one wish for this book, it would be to mend broken hearts, bring them peace of mind and motivation to share their renewed faith with others, and, in troubled times, help them turn back to these God-given messages and feel His love, knowing as I do that "He is Always with You." That is my prayer. Thanks be to God.