Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy
In the contemporary quest for the historical Jesus, the socio-economic background of Jesus and its impact on his message and ministry is the subject of intense debate. This is a quest for the economy of Galilee.
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
Part One: The Historical Jesus
1 Jesus’ Socio-Economic Background
2 Leaders of Mass Movements and the Leader of the Jesus-Movement
Part Two: Galilee
3 Jesus and Debts: Did He Pray about Them?
4 The Ancient Galilean Economy: A Model
5 The Nature of the Galilean Economy: The Debate Between the Archaeologists and the Sociologists
6 Did Large Estates Exist in Lower Galilee in the First half of the First Century CE?
7 Assessing the Economy of Galilee in the Late Second Temple Period
8 Domestic Space and Standard of Living
Part Three: The Early Church
9 Poverty and Wealth in the Jerusalem Church
10 The Composition of the Jerusalem Church
11 What Would You do for a Living?