Creative Drama and Music Methods: Introductory Activities for Children
Committed to the arts as a vehicle for enhancing movement, listening, speaking, and performing skills, educators Rubin and Merrion show in this text how social development, curriculum bonuses, and a host of other outcomes support creative drama and music as primary to the development of the whole child.
This practical workbook is firmly based on federal guidelines for educational standards in the arts, and is filled with hands-on activities. Exercises move from the simple to the complex, and the range is enormous: found sound, body sculpture, radio spots, concentration exercises, echo activity, improvs, finger plays, name games, rhythmic dialogue, pantomime, story creation - the list goes on! The how and why are explained for each, and each chapter concludes with guidelines met, questions for evaluation and discussion, and a final project. Appendixes include a sample lesson and lesson checklist, and there is a glossary and index to activities.