Using Technology In Classroom: Brief Edition
/*0205438873, Bitter, Using Technology 1e*/This brief, accessible and very practical technology text is organized around the NETS Standards and emphasizes applying technology rich lessons in the classroom. The book prepares preservice and inservice teachers at all levels with the necessary backgound for planning and teaching technology-rich instruction based on the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) National Technology Standards(NETS) of which Dr. Bitter was a co-author. This text provides a quick review of computer literacy, productivity tools and application software and then introduces students to standards based technology-rich instruction. The text also covers the internet, World Wide Web, and emerging technologies as well as social, ethical, legal and human issues related to technology. Actual video vignettes of technology integrated lessons as well as classrom episodes are included throughout the book. The book is divided into 6 sections to match the 6 NETS standards as well as lessons with standards identified in chapter 8.