Psychological Testing and Assessment (10th Edition)
Despite criticism and challenges from both within and outside the psychology profession, psychological assessment has continued to expand and diversify. A proven classic in the field, Psychological Testing and Assessment has been completely updated, offering extensive coverage of the new tests, inventories, scales, and the methodological advances in constructing, administering, scoring, and interpreting these psychometric instruments. This is an essential book for anyone who is planning to construct, administer, and make decisions based on test scores in business, clinical, or educational settings. Includes all areas of psychological testing intelligence, special abilities, personality, and assessment in applied settings. The discussion of the computer's role in testing shows how it has revolutionized the ways tests are administered, scored, and interpreted. Includes a balanced view of the criticisms and issues involved in testing to help the reader become sensitive to the personal and social consequences of testing. New versions of tests keep the reader up-to-date on the latest developments in the field. Includes applications of testing in educational, clinical/counseling, and industrial/organizational settings, making this a relevant book for practitioners who use testing in a variety of settings. For anyone who administers tests and assessment strategies in the areas of psychology, education, and business.