HealthStyles: Decisions for Living Well (2nd Edition)
Keeping healthy is crucial, but many people don't know where to begin. They don't realize all the facets of good health -- including physical, mental, and emotional. Nor do they understand the way the body works, including disease, vitamins, fitness, and addictions. This book is intended to introduce readers to these topics so that they can understand their body, achieving and maintaining good health. The second edition of Health Styles: Decisions for Living Well provides readers with the perspectives and information they need to make decisions about their personal health. By helping readers to develop the necessary skills to lead healthy lives and to be wise health consumers, this book emphasizes skill development throughout. The range of topics covered is broad, including the disease process, sexuality and relationships, reproductive anatomy and physiology, smart eating, coping with stress, recognizing violent behavior, aging, and dealing with death. Health educators and professionals, and others interested in the topic.