Applied statistics
"Applied Statistics" has been thoroughly revised to present introductory statistics in a clear and easy to understand format to meet the needs and mathematical skills of today's students. The text reflects current theories and practices while providing all the essential concepts and methods that beginning students need. The author team emphasizes the practical, versatile nature of statistics, thoroughly illustrating every concept with real world applications and examples. This text now comes in an Annotated Instructor's Edition, an all-in-one resource that combines, in a single volume, an Instructor's Manual (with complete solutions) in the fomat of the text with margin annotations throughout the text. It provides easy access to on-the-spot answers and can be used as a road map for integrating the supplements into classroom preparations and lectures. New to this edition are increased use of computer graphics and output (including MINITAB, Business MYSTAT with QC Tools and SAS), new problems, exercises and case studies, new real-world examples and comment boxes, expanded discussion of quality control. Coverage of statistical methods in quality control and quality improvement is now a separate chapter with added material on experimental design, control charts and reliability. The concept of process and product improvements is found throught the text's examples and problems.