All Star English: Student Book Level 2: An Integrated ESL Curriculum
All Star English integrates language development through content with stunning multicultural literatures. CALLA learning strategies, higher order thinking skills, process writing, and collaborative projects provide students with social and academic success. An innovative beginner level or newcomers opens the door to the world of school language and skills. *FEATURES/BENEFITS *The Basics--Develops literacy and language skills for newcomers. *Books 2 and 3--Integrate literatures language, content, and grammar with an emphasis on research and writing. B *Skills Journal--Content language practice and grammar reinforcement. Reading, writing, and research activities. Self-assessment. *Teacher's Guides--Easy to use 3-step lesson plans. Multilevel teaching strategies. Ongoing assessment and CALLA strategies. Theme wrap-ups include assessment and celebration ideas. *Process Writing Portfolio Program--Writing projects correspond to the themes in All Star English. Graphic organizer pages and checklists help students organize their writing from brainstorming to publishing. *All Stare BookBytes CD-ROM--Motivates students to respond to literature through creative book reviews. Assessment Packages--Easy-to-administer. Observation checklists. Anecdotal records and charts. Portfolio conference forms. Peer and self-assessment. *Audiocassette Program--High quality recordings of student book selections, including music.