Turbo Pascal Update
"By tapping into students' enthusiasm about the Web, this update will excite students as well as give them a strong introduction to programming. This new coverage explains the workings of the Internet and teaches students how to harness its information." ---Elliot Koffman Elliot Koffman's Turbo Pascal is a classic, proven introduction to programming and problem solving. Now, this special update of the fifth edition incorporates the exciting world of the Internet into your Introductory Programming course. In addition to a new chapter on the Internet and the World Wide Web, all of the code previously found on an accompanying disk is now located on the book's website. By having students use the website throughout the course, the book will help students become more comfortable using the Web for classwork and for their own interests. The rest of the text contains the same careful and thorough coverage of the topics found in the first course in programming plus many second semester topics.
Hallmark Features Conveys the relationship between problem-solving skills and effective software development by using the author's classic five-step problem solving process. Covers computer graphics in Chapter 3, and provides examples of animation and user interfaces in later chapters to help motivate students. Introduces abstract data types and units in Chapter 9, and Turbo Pascal objects and object-oriented programming in Chapter 13. This coverage prepares students to study other languages which use the object-oriented paradigm. Reinforces key concepts with proven pedagogical features like programming style sections, syntax displays, end-of-section and end-of-chapter exercises, and more.