Sportworks: More than 50 Fun Games and Activities that Explore the Science of Sports
Why does a curveball curve? What makes a good football helmet? How do figure skaters spin so fast, and don't they get dizzy? You'll find answers to these sports mysteries and more in Sportworks.In these fun-filled pages, the world-famous Ontario Science Centre museum reveals the science behind your favorite sport. Try their exciting activities, and you'll actually see calories burning, test how basketballs bounce, and measure your lung capacity. You'll discover how to warm up before you exercise, and why that's good for your heart and muscles. And you'll learn how to use science the way star athletes do: how bicyclists try to stay in a draft, why skiers think drag is a drag, and how to defy gravity—by using your center of gravity!Every page is filled with lively drawings and fun facts for all kinds of athletes. You'll read about some of the most popular sports in the world—and some you haven't even heard of yet! Explaining everything from the sweet spot on your baseball bat to the balanced diet on your dinner table, Sportworks will keep your body and brain in top condition.