Lawyers' Skills (Legal Practice Course Manuals)
Lawyers' Skills helps students develop the legal skills required for successful practice in the modern solicitor's firm. The book equips students with a solid understanding of the theory and concepts underpinning the key skills areas of legal writing and drafting, interviewing and advising, practical legal research, and advocacy. Guidance is also provided on a range of other professional skills which should be mastered before going into practice, including effective time management, negotiation, and email etiquette.
The inclusion of realistic examples from practice, tasks, and reflective exercises emphasizes the interactive nature of skills as a subject and encourages students to develop, practise, and refine their legal skills. Chapter summaries, diagrams, and self-test questions are also featured throughout and provide additional learning support to students.
The text is essential reading for all LPC students and is also a useful source of reference for newly-qualified practitioners.
Online Resources
Student Resources
These include a selection of realistic sample documentation designed to highlight legal writing and drafting in action across a range of legal documents, and references to further reading for those wishing to delve deeper into the subject area.
Lecturer Resources
A test bank of multiple choice questions is available to registered adopters and can be used to assess students' understanding of topics covered in the book. The test bank can be uploaded to an institution's own virtual learning environment and can be fully customized to match the structure and content of individual courses.