Living Sociologically: Concepts and Connections: Concise Edition

Living Sociologically: Concepts and Connections: Concise Edition image




Edition: Concise
Released: Oct 29, 2021
Format: Paperback, 496 pages
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Review\n"Living Sociologically is one of the more actively engaging books on the market. It pulls the reader in with great examples, complex topics and multi-discipline methods." -- Pamela Monaghan-Geernaert, Northern State University\n"Living Sociologically uses a distinct and helpful organization style that includes paired concepts, which are bound to be interesting to students. It also offers data literacy and news-based exercises to keep students engaged while they cultivate important skills." -- Molly Monahan Lang,Penn State Erie, The Behrend College\nStudents are drawn to topics of urgent sociological concern by a need to understand the forces that shape their world and their desire to make the world better. It can be challenging, however, for students to link sociological concepts with real-world applications. Living Sociologically: Concepts and Connections, Concise Edition helps students make those connections.\nThis brief, engaging and accessible text offers an innovative, class-tested framework for teaching sociology. The "paired concepts" approach demonstrates the interdependent ways in which social forces work, encourages students to engage with complexity and contradiction, and provides them with critical, analytical thinking tools. The built-in student study guide is a unique adaptive learning program that will enable students to assess their learning and understanding as they move through the course, and provides feedback and an individualized learning path to help students master the material.

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