The Hospice Companion: Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Care of Advanced Illness

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Author(s): Fine, Perry G.
Edition: 4
Released: Jun 02, 2021
Format: Paperback, 256 pages
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Product Description
The Hospice Companion is a guide to the processes of care during the intensive, interpersonal experiences of hospice work. This resource highlights the mission and values of modern-day hospice through the individual and combined efforts of the field's most valuable asset, the hospice
professional. This easy-to-navigate clinical decision support tool for caregivers of those with life-limiting illnesses allows for personal and professional growth and a deeply gratifying sense of accomplishment as they proceed in the all-important work of caring for the dying. The fourth edition of\nThe Hospice Companion features a thoroughly current guide to clinical processes and symptom management, providing hospice professionals with a concise summary of changes that have influenced clinical practice over the last several years.\nAbout the Author \nDr. Perry G. Fine is a Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, University of Utah, where he serves on the faculty of the Division of Pain Medicine and the Pain Research Center, and he is an attending physician in the Pain Management Center.

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