Introduction to Electric Circuits: Lab Manual
This lab manual, created to accompany Introduction to Electric Circuits: Lab Manual, Ninth Edition (9780195438130), is suitable for introductory electric circuits courses offered through electrical technologist- and electrical technician-level programs.
The manual contains a collection of experiments chosen to cover the main topics taught in foundational courses in electrical theory. Experiments can all be done with inexpensive test equipment and circuit components. Each lab concludes with questions to test students' comprehension of the theoretical concepts illustrated by the experimental results. The manual is formatted to enable it to double as a workbook, which allows students to answer questions directly in the lab manual.
Increased Coverage of AC and DC Motors and Filters. The lab manual has been revised to illustrate the updated material in Introduction to Electric Circuits, Ninth Edition, including thirteen DC and fifteen AC experiments and a new lab on passive filters.
Designed for Students. Designed with students in mind, the text is spiral-bound for ease of use. It has been formatted in a way that allows students to use it as a workbook--including space to record experimental results and grids for graphing when necessary.
Accessible. Each lab contains clear objectives, a brief summary of the necessary concepts to understand the experiment being conducted, illustrated instructions for use of equipment (such as ammeters), detailed procedural instructions with tips to ensure that students complete labs smoothly and effectively, and questions that allow students to check their understanding of the key concepts being illustrated by each lab.
Instructor-Friendly. The manual includes a summary of all equipment and components required to run every lab in the book, allowing instructors to prepare their courses ahead of time.