Introduction to Electric Circuits
Acclaimed for its clear and concise explanations of difficult concepts, its comprehensive problem sets and exercises, and its authoritative coverage, Introduction to Electric Circuits, Ninth Edition, provides students with the latest developments in the field.
Accessible. Praised by generations of instructors and students for its clear presentation of fundamental concepts and key examples, the text helps students easily grasp complex subject matter.
Authoritative. Written by experts, this classic text has enjoyed more than fifty years of proven success and offers students an eminently reliable introduction to the field.
Comprehensive problem sets. With more than 1600 problems, this book gives students many opportunities to apply and test their knowledge. All problems and exercises have been carefully checked to ensure accuracy and relevance.Answers to selected problems can be found at the back of the book, allowing students to check their work.
Engaging design. A vibrant full-color design--which includes more than thirty color photos-- draws students into the material.
Demonstrative examples. Numerous worked examples throughout each chapter show students how to perform the calculations that are essential to circuit analysis.
"Integrate the Concepts" exercises. These exercises require students to apply the concepts covered in each chapter to solve real-life problems.
Meets industry standards. This book covers the current use of SI metric units, with careful attention to the accuracy of all calculations in accordance with the latest engineering and scientific practices.