Trouble Next Door: What to Do with Your Neighbor (Legal Almanac Series)
Good fences may make good neighbors, but do you have the right to put up the fence if it obstructs your neighbor's view? This handy almanac addresses all the thorny issues that arise when people live in proximity to one another. Topics include boundary disputes, common areas and shared responsibilities, view obstruction, liability for property damage, abandoned and unkempt property, dangerous pets, and home-based businesses and zoning ordinances. For those issues that cannot be resolved otherwise, this almanac also covers dispute mediation, and as a last resort, taking your neighbor to small claims court.
L Topics covered include the rights and responsibilities of neighbors, common conflicts, and how to resolve a dispute before it escalates into a costly lawsuit or violence. This almanac also explores dispute mediation, and small claims court. The Appendix provides applicable statutes, resource directories, and other pertinent information and data , such as a warning letter, condominium fine policy, noise ordinance, and an agreement to mediate dispute.
L The Legal Almanac series consists of over 75 handy guides for the lay person on all aspects of the law. Each volume includes an overview of the topic followed by chapters on the major issues in that subject. Each volume contains an Appendix containing several primary source documents as well as practical forms and checklists. A Glossary defines any technical terms used in the text.