The Death Penalty in America: Current Controversies
In The Death Penalty in America: Current Controversies, Hugo Adam Bedau, one of our preeminent scholars on the subject, provides a comprehensive sourcebook on the death penalty, making the process of informed consideration not only possible but fascinating as well. No mere revision of the third edition of The Death Penalty in America--which The New York Times praised as "the most complete, well-edited and comprehensive collection of readings on the pros and cons of the death penalty"--this volume brings together an entirely new selection of thirty essays, and including updated statistical and research data, recent Supreme Court decisions, and the best current contributions to the debate over capital punishment.
From the status of the death penalty worldwide to current attitudes of Americans toward convicted killers, from legal arguments challenging the constitutionality of the death penalty to moral arguments enlisting the Bible, and from controversies over the role of race and class in the judicial system to proposals to televise executions, Bedau gathers readings that explore all aspects of this most compelling issue.