Rise of the Heroes (Hero.Com)
It's pouring with rain and there's nothing to do. Until Toby, Pete, Emily and Lorn log on to the internet. Toby's about to click on his favourite website when lightning hits the telegraph pole outside. 'HERO.COM' flashes on screen. What sort of site is this? Impatient to find out, Toby clicks
on a strange icon. Suddenly his hands are stuck to the desk.
It doesn't take Pete - comic fan extraordinaire - long to work out what has happened. But the others don't believe him . . . until he persuades Toby to climb up the wall, and then scuttle across the ceiling . . . just like a spider!
Soon the kids are downloading all sorts of superhero powers - flying, telepathy, who knows what each one will be. But the exhilaration ends when they realise that they've been given these powers for a purpose. There are fiends and villains to hunt down and overcome, and one of the worst - Doc
Tempest - is in town right now, developing a heinous plan to conquer the world.
What the superheroes don't realise till they are in the eye of Doc Tempest's storm is that their powers are temporary and temperamental. So when the superhero powers run out (just when they need them most), who will save the earth from domination?!