Waiting for the Macaws: And Other Stories From The Age Of Extinction
“Waiting for the Macaws is a haunting reminder of the scale and breadth of what can only be described as a catastrophe of the human spirit and imagination.”—Wade Davis, author of Light at the Edge of the World and Explorer-in-Residence, National Geographic Society
Waiting for the Macaws is a haunting and beautifully written account of the age in which we live. Journeying around the world, Terry Glavin argues that all extinctions are related and that the language of environmentalism is inadequate to describing this great unravelling.
But Glavin discovers that there is hope, finding it in the most unlikely places—a macaw roost in Costa Rica, a Small village in Ireland, a community of Norse whalers on the Lofoten Islands in the North Atlantic, the vault beneath the Royal botanical Garden at Kew, and the throne room of the Angh of Longwa in the Patkai Range of the eastern Himalayas.