For short, introductory courses on Windows/98 and Office 2000. Supported by numerous exercises and projects designed to appeal to a wide range of students, these practical and informative texts offer a step-by-step, hands-on guide to learning the software. Ericksen fills a much-needed void in the market. *Full, four-color, spiral-bound texts on the latest releases of Microsofts best-selling applications. *Gives students up-to-date information on current applications in an attractive, and easy-to-use format. *Completely visual, hands-on in orientation with minimal reading; the focus is on doing. Explains each task in detail, concluding with a practice exercise students can perform. Presents numerous screen shots, including dialog boxes and results of the exercises. *Gives students opportunities to practice tasks, and provides visual reinforcement. *Concise, task-oriented objectives, guided exercises, and end-of-chapter summaries. *Helps keep students on track. *Unique "What/How/Why/Tips" organization. *Streamlines tasks for students, making skill mastery easy. *End-of-chapter independent practice exercises, objective reviews, and key terms lists as well as end-of-part integrated Check Point activities. *Enables students to apply what they learn. *Also available: SkillCheck skills-based assessment software (applications simulated testing. *Supported by interactive, CD-ROM based tutorials developed by CBT Systems, these tutorials may be value packed with any text in the series. *Each text in the Ericksen series is part of the Prentice Hall custom binding program, the Right PHit. *All supplements for this series, including Instructors Manual, Solutions Disk, PowerPoint, and Data Disks as well as the Computerized Testing System, are available on one CD.