A Guide to Successful Construction Effective Contract Administration
As a professional working in construction, you have your work cut out for you. Whether an architect, engineer, facilities manager, or contractor you'll be faced with an ever-growing mountain of paperwork just to get your job done. A Guide to Successful Construction will help you nip most of these problems in the bud and avoid costly changes and lawsuits. Written by an experienced architect and project manager, this manual guides you through the administration process and brings to surface those items which will be troublesome down the road. This indispensable book covers all the subjects that a practicing professional will come to contact with during the project. The topics covered include but are not limited to:The Contract Documents, Professional Services Agreements, Construction Contracts, Selecting the Contractor, The Preconstruction Jobsite Conference, Consultants and Advisors, Construction Insurance, When the Contract is Bonded, Shop Drawing Procedures, Payments and Change Orders; Owners and Construction Contracts, Closing out the Job, Time and Delay Disputes, Building to a Budget